Archive for November, 2011


November 15, 2011

 Glenn Beck and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) are guest speakers at the annual award dinner of the Zionist Organization of America


Please join Jews Say No!,  Jewish Voice for Peace, CODEPINK NYC, Adalah-NY,  WESPAC, and others outside the ZOA dinner as we raise our voices FOR justice for Palestine and AGAINST racism, hatred, and crimes against humanity. We will provide signs.

Meet outside the Grand Hyatt Hotel 109 East 42nd at Grand Central Station


 Zionist Organization of America (ZOA)  114th Anniversary Louis D. Brandeis Award Dinner

 Glenn Beck is the TV/Radio Host/Commentator

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) is the Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee

Freedom’s Riding! Join Us! Whether Birmingham or Jerusalem: SEPARATE is NOT EQUAL

November 13, 2011

 November 15, 5:30 PM

 96th Street and Broadway in Manhattan

In solidarity with the Freedom Riders of Palestine

 On the 50th anniversary of the Freedom Rides that helped de-segregate the Jim Crow South, activists in Palestine are planning to board segregated buses that serve only Jewish settlers in the Occupied West Bank. From Mississippi to Ramallah, join us in saying “Separate will never be equal!”

 Our demonstration of solidarity will be part of Jews Say No!’s monthly street action, and we will be joined by our allies from Jewish Voice for Peace-NY, CODEPINK NYC, WESPAC, and Adalah-NY.

 This is part of a nationwide day of solidarity with the Freedom Riders coordinated by Jewish Voice for Peace.